ツキノワグマと青とうがらしのキーマカレー|BEET EAT(原宿)




今年オープンした原宿「ハラカド」の6階に、話題のカレー店が登場しました!その名も、世田谷区喜多見の「BEET EAT(ビートイート)」です。こちらはカレー百名店にも選ばれており、特にジビエを使ったカレーが魅力のひとつ。熊や鹿肉を使用したカレーを味わうことができます。




原宿「ハラカド」の6階に上がると、広々としたフードコートがあり、その中に「BEET EAT」があります。フードコート内にはなんと200席もあり、好きな場所に座ることができます。席を確保したら、お店に向かいましょう。






BEET EATへの店舗情報

店名ビート イート ハラカド店(BEET EAT)
住所東京都渋谷区神宮前6-31-21 東急プラザ原宿 ハラカド 6F
営業時間11:00 – 23:00

A much-talked-about curry shop has opened on the 6th floor of the recently launched “Harakado” in Harajuku! This is none other than “BEET EAT” from Kitami in Setagaya, which has been selected as one of Japan’s top 100 curry restaurants. The unique feature of this place is its delicious game meat curries, featuring ingredients like bear and venison.

I recently saw a limited edition menu item on social media— “Asiatic Black Bear and Green Chili Keema Curry”—and decided to give it a try!

When you head up to the 6th floor of Harakado, you’ll find a spacious food court with around 200 seats, and “BEET EAT” is nestled within it. After securing your seat, you can place your order.

After about 7-8 minutes, a bell rings, signaling that your order is ready.

The curry is served in a green plastic bowl, generously filled with keema curry, rice, pickled carrots and cucumbers, mashed potatoes shaped like sorbet, and a piece of papadum.

As expected in a food court, the meal is served in a disposable plastic container. However, the green color and detailed design make it feel quite stylish and practical.

It was my first time trying Asiatic black bear meat, and I was curious if it would have a strong smell. But to my surprise, it had a delightful aroma! The fat glistened appetizingly, and the meat looked incredibly juicy. When I took a bite, the rich flavor of the meat spread in my mouth, and the fat paired perfectly with the rice. The green chili added a mild heat that complemented the bear fat beautifully.

The papadum can be crushed to add texture to the curry, and the mashed potatoes, which look like a sorbet, can be enjoyed as is or mixed into the curry for an extra layer of flavor.